SpReAd The Love Gives Back: Sixth Week

And we’re back! How was your Christmas? Are you back to work yet or do you have off till after the New Year? As for us here at STL, we have one more goody to give away. Back in August Servetus went to see The Crucible and brought back a few posters and has graciously offered one to us to give away. It isn’t signed but if you wanted one here’s your chance to win one from us. All you have to do is let us know about a kindness that you’ve done, or one that’s been done for you, in the comments of this post and that’s it, your name is entered into our drawing. If you’re too shy to comment you can let us know via the Contact Form on the About page. Drawing will be at 5PM ET on Friday January 2. Ready? Go!

9 thoughts on “SpReAd The Love Gives Back: Sixth Week

  1. Kitty

    Hubby and I are returning to Nicaragua for missions work in February. This morning a sweet friend posted an online yard sale w/ the $$$ going toward our work there. We started a project in March installing security cameras @ Casa Mephibosheth, a children’s home in Juigalpa, owned by Chosen Children Ministries with whom we serve, but discovered that the electrical wiring needed to be updated. There are two electricians going w/ us to do the work. The $$$ we take will be used to purchase all the necessary materials for the job. Friends are the greatest! (don’t put my name in for the poster)

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  2. obscura

    I have already been the grateful recipient of a Servetus borne poster from The Crucible, but I am relieved to report that I finally managed to haul my churches donations over to the local food pantry this morning. I had volunteered to do it, but have been delayed in that the only day they are staffed is Tuesday, and that is about the only day of the week that doesn’t usually work for me due to logistics. Today it did 🙂

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  3. jholland

    I’m giving a quilt to my Mother-in-Love for Christmas, and I was worried because she’s professed before that she has always preferred the binding (edges of quilts) to be “hand-sewn” rather than by sewing machine, but just got it finished Sunday night, and am supposed to give it to her tomorrow- no time for 6 hours of hand sewing! Today my mom called and she had a P&P marathon yesterday while I was at work, and she sewed it all by hand while she was watching! LOVE that woman!!

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  4. salakonn

    I carpooled to get home for the holidays. Usually there is a fee, and when I offered the driver my 5 euros upon arrival, he said he doesn’t need it, he would have driven to my hometown anyway! So I chose to donate the same amount and some more to charity for children.

    Would love to get that poster! I also flew to London in September to see the play with my own eyes, one of the highlights of my year!


  5. NebraskaArtist

    This is just a little thing, but I guess those can add up. On Sunday after church we were walking to our car and I saw an older woman drop her keys on the ground as she was getting into her car. She was having a really hard time bending to reach them. I ran over and picked them up for her. When I got in our car my son said, “that was really nice, mom.” So I guess it made an impression on him as well. 🙂

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