Thinking lots about socks…

Back in December in response to rockin’ socks being sported by you know who,

Yes, him.

Yes, him.

I threw out a call for us all to signal boost charities that donate socks, or to donate socks ourselves to local charities.  I threw in a nifty sock tree graphic, and then replaced it with a more decorated one a few days later.  Then December caught up with me and then December got away from me!

Now it’s January, and it is bitterly cold.  Not cold enough if you ask MiniMe, since it needs to be -35° F with the windchill factor in order for school to be delayed and her to sleep in.  Today the windchill factor was only –26° F, so off to school they went.  To put that kind of cold into perspective, in this weather, exposed human flesh can freeze in as little as 15-20 minutes.  It’s not just uncomfortably cold, it’s dangerously cold.  That fact led me to think about socks again.

Every day I look this:

The most puzzling question of all time...

The most puzzling question of all time…

Most days the elusive enigma that is my odd sock basket only makes me grimace.  Where, in the name of all that is good and right, do all those freaking socks go?  People take off two matching socks, I collect laundry and wash it and when the baskets are put away, I’m left with a giant pile of unmatched loners.  Usually I look at it with a scowl and the intention to dump it and play a round of hosiery Husker Du, but today when I looked at it, I realized that there are plenty of people in the world who would happily wear a yin yang paired with a pink, black and purple stripe.  Toes stay just as warm in a pink and blue bunny and a white with blue bottom.  I realized that my odd sock basket probably has a couple dozen “pairs” in it.  Matching or not, no one in my house ever needs to go out in the cold with no socks.

It also made me remember that in the process of excavating in my vehicle, I “unearthed” a bag of socks that I’d bought before Christmas to donate to the families we adopted at church.  Having temporarily mis-located them (I do not *lose* things), I bought more and put them in with the rest of the loot to be donated.   Now that they’ve resurfaced, I think I’ll drop them off at the local shelter before they wander off again.

So, if you have the opportunity, means and inclination, consider making a sock donation…most shelters are in need of them year round.

sock tree 2

That’s the third version of the sock tree  – think we can fill it up and start another for 2015?

12 thoughts on “Thinking lots about socks…

    1. obscura Post author

      I think in part it’s a Virgo thing…yet my kids, who are both Virgos also, could care less if their socks match…”meh…there’s two, one on each foot. Good enough.” I’m letting go…I wore two different cream colored socks to work today. Guess what? Nobody noticed! 🙂

      Yes…everyone who needs them, should have them.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Servetus

        At some point it seemed to me like matched socks were a thing too trivial to care about in a meaningful way. Then again almost all my socks are black, white or purple.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. obscura Post author

        It’s one of those activities I do when I really just want to watch tv, but I think I need to be accomplishing something while I do it. We do have our share of funky socks around her.

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Mezz

    This reminder is timely, as I have just discovered a means by which I can donate socks (and gloves and beanies) for the homeless. They can be sent to a central collection point then the woman who has set this up distributes them to organisations supporting the homeless. It’s a great idea and one I will be following up!

    Liked by 3 people


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