And The Winner Is…

Our final SpReAd The Love Gives Back winner for 2014 — determined by the incredibly scientific method of pulling a name from a hat — was jholland! Thank you to all of you who participated this year! Jholland, you’ll need to get your address to Servetus so she can send out your poster.

So that’s it for 2014. A HUGE thanks to everyone who accepted our kindness challenges and especially to our Anonymous Co-ConspiRAtors, who donated matching dollars for each kindness to charities supported by Richard Armitage via JustGiving. We’ll be working on getting you a number of total kindnesses and please watch this space because Obscura and I have been chatting about what challenges we’re going to issue in the coming months (hint: love children’s books? So do we, especially the first week of March). If you have any challenges you think we should issue, or if you’d like to be an Anonymous Co-ConspiRAtor, get in touch via the Contact Form on the About page.

Obscura and I both believe that this fandom is filled with incredibly kind and generous people. Thank you ALL for proving us right. 🙂

8 thoughts on “And The Winner Is…

  1. Guylty

    Goodness – the year is over. STL had totally become a constant and I never even thought whether it would continue or not… So I am on board for another year (including co-conspiring, if wanted!).
    Thank you to both of you, Jazzbaby and Obscura, for starting a really worth-while initiative, something that involves us in spreading RL love in our daily lives, aside from the fandom. There is such satisfaction in being able to record a kindness on your blog – I occasionally found myself collecting ideas for what I could do. (Not that I was particularly active…) Anyhow – massive thanks to you, and also to the wonderful backers who donated the finances to make further difference offline. This is pretty special, and I was really pleased to be part of it!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. jazzbaby1 Post author

      No, all the credit goes to the participants, from Sebastian who made the logo to the Co-Conspirators to all of you who’ve done kindnesses. All Obscura and I do is lay out whatever hare-brained scheme we’ve cooked up and you all run with it. You all just knock both of us out and we’re priveleged to work with you. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Hariclea

    Congrats jholland 🙂 And thanks for organising STL!! I loved being part of it and it was a veru uplifting and inspiring end to the year. i’d love to continue being part of it whatever the suggested challenge 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. jholland

    What a super nice surprise! I can’t wait to tell Mom her kindness resulted in a Serv-Donation Crucible poster… seems I owe Mom an even greater debt! Jazzbaby and Obscura- keep spreading the love. You’re both amazing.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. obscura

    Such a love fest up in here!! I’m late to the party (par for the course these days) but I wanted to say what a privelege it has been to help organize STL. There were some pretty low moments for me personally in 2014, and seeing reports of kindnesses…the ones you saw on blog and especially some of the anonymous ones that were sent to me behind the scenes never failed to reaffirm my faith not only in this community, but in people in general. Thanks for all you do Armitageworld!!

    Liked by 1 person


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